Naše inovacijske

Iščete kompetentnega in sposobnega partnerja za teme Razvoj izdelkov, Obvladovanje stroškov, Idejni in Inovacijski menedžment, Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding?

Storitve izvajamo v sodelovanju z vami. Uvodoma podamo osnove v obliki seminarja ali svetovanje, zatem pa vaše zaposlene vključimo v proces upravljanja idej ali pomagamo pri odprtem inoviranju z vašimi strankami / dobavitelji / skupnostmi.

We teach, monitor and support you from vision and strategy to finding the right idea with creative techniques and implementation. Our support is not just about advice, we actively help and take responsibility to make your project a reality.

We introduce you to modern approaches to innovation management, and your team forms "brains in common" across hierarchies and locations to collaboratively develop valuable ideas. With our training support, you'll develop successful new products or modify existing ones faster. We particularly emphasise the current approach to open innovation, where we and our partner can help you to collect and realise innovation ideas using our platforms. Tailored evaluation methods (bottom-up community voting, top-down jury voting, expert voting) support you in an efficient selection process for the best ideas.

Creative techniques

The creative method is a system of tasks, which is organised to the application of the new knowledge.

TPM – Total Productive Maintenance

The full productive maintenance, Total Productive Maintenance) is a subject to which engineers and managers to speak all over the world.

Value Management

One of the current methods, it is also VA (Value Analysis), or Value management, which is defined as a method, a systematic improvement of the value of the goods, or of goods and services to customers, with an emphasis on the functions of the

FMEA – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Because of their usefulness today, the FMEA with many manufacturers and their suppliers a firm part of the quality management system.

QFD – Quality Function Deployment

The clear and logical set of steps that allows for in-system programming of new products, the transparency and the organization of the individual stages of the formation of the products.

You don't know how to get started?

Do you need help with the introduction of the changes, the introduction of modern approaches to the continuous improvements? Happy to help!